Minggu, 12 April 2015

Bahasa inggris Bisnis (softskill 2) Lanjutan

Modal Auxiliaries.

Buatlah 5 kalimat masing-masing menggunakan "Can" dan "Could"

  • CAN
  1. The doctor  can see you at three on friday.
  2. You can buy anything with your money.
  3. He can be here.
  4. Can we discuss the price?
  5. Can you call a taxi for me?

  • Could
  1. You could run faster than me two years ago.
  2. She's not come. She could be late.
  3. My grandmother could sew clothes when she was young.
  4. Couldn't you knock of a bit more?
  5. Could you give me a discount?

Universitas Gunadarma
Softskill ke 2

Bahasa Inggris Bisnis (softskill 2) Latihan

Latihan 3 - Halaman 5
Student A : Lakukan suatu aksi. Student B : Uraikan aksi tersebut, dengan Menggunakan nama Student A dan present progressie.

2.  Smile
     Student A : (Student A smile.)
     Teacher    : Who is smiling?
     Student B : Angga is smiling.

3.  Whistle
     Student A : (Student A whistle)
     Teacher    : What is Aditya doing?
     Student B : Aditya is whistling.

4.  Open or close the door
     Student A : (Student A open or close the door)
     Teacher    : What is Nugraha doing?
     Student B : Nugraha is opening or closing the door.

5.  Hum
     Student A : (Student A Hum)
     Teacher    : Who is humming?
     Student B : Tya is humming.

6.  Bite your fingernails
     Student A : (Student A bite fingernails)
     Teacher    : What is Ari doing?
     Student B : Ari is biting his fingernails.

7.  Read your grammar book
     Student A : (Student A read grammar book)
     Teacher    : Who is reading her grammar book?
     Student B : Nita is reading her grammar book.

8.  Erase the board
     Student A : (Student A erase the board)
     Teacher     : What is Dwi doing?
     Student B : Dwi is erasing the board.

Bab 5 - Modal Auxiliaries
Latihan 1 - Halaman 94 s/d 95
Tambahkan to dimana perlu. Jika to tidak diperlukan, Tulislah O dibagian yang kosong.

3.  Could you please   Ø open the window?
4.  The students must Ø learn all of the irregular verbs.
5.  Sally has   to   do her history report tonight.
6.  I think you should Ø  take better care of yourself.
7.  I ought  to  go to the post office this afternoon.
8.  Would you  Ø speak more slowly, please?
9.  We may Ø go to Argentina for our vacation.
10. Will you please Ø mail this letter for me.
11. Tom and I might Ø play tennis after work tomorrow.
12. You had better  Ø  see a doctor.
13. We can  Ø  go shopping tomorrow.
14. The students have  to  take a test next friday.
15. I have got  to  go to the post office this afternoon.

Universitas Gunadarma
Softskill 2